I had a couple of yards of burlap. All I did was measure my window's height and width. I added about 6 inches to those measurements and cut my burlap. Many of the Pinterest people had either left their edges unfinished, or some of them used hot glue. I don't like things to unravel very much, so I just took a needle and thread and very quickly did a simple stitch around the edges. (I don't sew, so it wasn't a very straight stitch.) I folded one end of the burlap over that was enough to put my curtain rod through, and I ran a quick, messy stitch across the width of the fabric. I then hung the curtain up on the window.
I took some wide burlap ribbon and threw them over the curtain rod and let it hang the length of the window. I wanted a splash of white to tie it in with my shower curtain, so I took some lace ribbon and hung it down the middle of the burlap ribbon.
Then all I did was take a safety pin and attached the two ends of the ribbon and attached them at about the length that I wanted the curtain to hang. I attached them behind the curtain so that it wasn't visible. I then adjusted the folds at the bottom of the "shade" until I was happy with it. This project took a little less than a yard of burlap $3.99 at Joanne's Fabric, lace ribbon that I had bought for $1 at Walmart, and some burlap ribbon that I had bought at Walmart for about $5.00. There is still lots of burlap ribbon left for other projects, so I estimate that the entire window treatment cost me about $5 to make.
I wanted to coordinate it with my new matelasse shower curtain, so I tied my shower curtain back with the burlap ribbon.
Have you ever used ideas you found on Pinterest to create your own take on it? I would love to hear your ideas!
You are becoming very crafty!