Well 2014 is a wrap....and I think it was a pretty good year! Did I meet my goals? Well....mixed success. I know that keeping them in mind throughout the year, and making myself accountable to write the monthly reports helped me do better. The one that I am the most disappointed in is the dang average steps being less than the previous year....and that damage was mostly done in the last month. Oh well....
I have accomplished some things that I did not set out to to...and I wanted to report on those things too. :)
In 2014 I became a Grandmama: "Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged."
Why am I taking credit for this? For every gray hair on my head (covered with color thanks Clairol) that was caused by the joys and worries of raising my own children....I think I deserve a little bit of credit :). Regardless, he sure does make my life happy :).
In 2014 I became more creative: I helped renovate and decorate our master bathroom. You can read about that here. I helped renovate our kitchen. You can see that here. I created a room for my first grandchild here. I crafted, I re-did furniture, I quilted, I crocheted. My 50th year saw me exploring a side of myself I have NEVER before even considered. I used to say "I am not creative." I've learned that once you give yourself permission to fail and not stress out over it, you might just develop a skill and have fun doing it.
In 2014 I think I worried less and trusted God for the outcome more:
I have always been a worrier. To the extent that I could, I would try to control the outcomes of whatever came into my life....people, events...whatever. Life beat me down, God built me back up, taught me some lessons, and is bringing good from it. The lesson? I am not in control. I cannot control anyone except for myself, and I do a poor job of that sometimes. God can give me peace and wisdom if I seek Him. He is in control. He cares more about the people whom I love than even I do and He is all about redeeming and restoring. I just needed to remember to ask Him for living water and trust Him to "make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs. Isaiah 41:18"
This is still something that I deal with every day. Things aren't perfect, but I know where the Well is. :).
As far as my original goals....
1. Read 100 Books in 2014 I have read 92 books this year so I am 8 short of goal. Check them out on pinterest! http://www.pinterest.com/kathywood1/read-100-books-in-2014/ 2014 goal not met.
2. Brain Training Games on Kindle J. Hey! Goals can be fun J. I played Words with Friends and Ruzzle and did some Duolingo Spanish. I started an online Kahn Academy account to review Math. 2014 Goal met!
1. Lose any amount of weight. I have gained 2.5 lbs in December. I am down 34.5 lbs for 2014, and 63.5 lbs since September 2013. Goal met!
2. Beat my 2013 step average/day (6828 steps/day) In December I averaged 4003 steps/day and ended 2014 with 6700 steps/day. 2014 Goal not met.
1. Read through the New Testament
December: on track 2014 Goal met!
2. Come up with a system to pray intentionally for people (prayer journal) and then do it.
December: on track 2014 Goal met!
3. Continue to make progress on writing the scripture in my own hand. I didn't do this in December In addition to last years books(Genesis, James, Nehemiah, Proverbs, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, Habakuk, Obadiah, Titus, Jude, Hosea, and 1 John), in 2014 I have written Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians. 2014 Goal met.
1. Make lunch dates 1/month with one of the ladies from the church with the intent of building a relationship.
I was sick most of this month, so I am giving myself a break...and a pat on the back for not sharing my sickness. 2014 goal met.
2. Entertain in my own home 1/month.
I hosted a Christmas celebration in m home. :). 2014 Goal met!
I hosted a Christmas celebration in m home. :). 2014 Goal met!
1. Save money for a trip to Israel. Research and plan the trip.
I decided to not go on the Israel trip a couple of months ago, and so I used the money that have been saving for a car seat and stroller for the baby and a new vacuum cleaner. I have about 76 dollars left in this fund. 2014 Goal not met.
Bring On 2015!!!
You did great in 2014 and I can only imagine what 2015 will bring you!!